Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day: The Environment

Today's the day when everyone is supposed to blog about the same topic, and this year, it's the environment. Since this blog tends to focus on Ruby programming lately, that makes my focus easy. For those who don't know, the environment is accessible via the constant ENV. For example:

puts ENV

You'll get all your standard environment variables in that Hash, including PATH, which is probably the one you'd use the most.

Friday, October 05, 2007

JRuby on Rails 1.2.4

It's official, Rails is now up to version 1.2.4 and JRuby on Rails on Windows is currently busted. See JRUBY-1401, my bug report and patch. Luckily you can fix this in a JRuby install by just applying the patch to pathname.rb in the lib/ruby/1.8 directory, but if you're using Goldspike to make a Rails WAR using jruby-complete-1.*.jar, I'm not sure what you can do. Building the jar from patched source should work, and you might even be able to pull pathname.rb out of the jar, patch it, then update the jar with the patched version.

Jruby on non-Windows platforms is probably fine. Just another reason to switch to Ubuntu or your Linux flavor of choice.