Discover the Hidden Ability to Post .Net Pages
If you're using a web hosting provider that allows you to script classic ASP pages, and you're curious to see if you can also publish ASP.NET pages, here's a little secret. A lot of servers built of newer hardware, with newer versions of Windows operating them, can and do handle .Net pages even if the hosting company doesn't realize it and hasn't officially acknowledged it or supported it. So if you want to see if you can step up to .Net on your server, simply upload a file with the extension .aspx and load it in your browser. It'd probably help to put some actual .Net data binding code in there to make sure that you're seeing a script in action, or at least a page_load event. But anyway, there you go. Just because a host doesn't explicitly state that they have the capability to run .Net doesn't mean it isn't there.
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